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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 | by ADS Transitions

What Do You Do After Dental School?

dental school

Things to Consider After Dental School?

After graduating from dental school, you’ll need to make crucially important decisions: What do you do next? Where do you want to practice dentistry, and what type of dental work do you want to be doing? What happens after dental school is a decision that will affect you for the rest of your life. It is important to take time and consider all of the ways your choice will impact you.

To help you make the career decisions that are right for you, consider these factors when you start your dental career or are thinking about buying a dental practice.

Where Do You Want to Be Located After Dental School?

Where is it that you and your family ultimately want to live? Would you prefer a big city or a quiet town? Do you want to live by other family members? Do you want to live close to mountains? A lake? The beach? It’s helpful to have a list of several cities and states in which you would like to practice as you are looking for a dental practice.

What Compensation Are You Seeking?

Compensation is an important factor when considering what you do after dental school. Consider the cost of living in the locations that appeal to you. Think about the lifestyle you want to achieve. Try to determine how much income you need or want to earn, and pick a practice that will help you to achieve your monetary goals.

What Responsibilities are You Willing to Take On?

Starting as an associate within a dental practice can lessen the amount of responsibility you feel out of the gate. You’ll have time to gain valuable experiences before you become a full owner. However, you won’t be a full owner, and won’t get the perks that come with that position.

On the other hand, if you want to own your own practice right away, there is a lot more work and responsibility involved. It’s more difficult than buying an existing practice because you’ll have to build your own patient base and infrastructure, rather than simply maintaining one which already exists.

Dental Practice Opportunities

What to do after dental school comes with many considerations including, what are the future possibilities? If you are considering an associateship, is there a high likelihood that you’ll be able to own the practice someday?

If you are thinking about buying an existing dental practice, is it possible for the practice to grow and be successful within the area?

Another consideration after dental school is what dental services might you specialize in? What possible revenue streams present themselves? It may be worth choosing a practice that does not yet meet your ideals, if you can see a likely path to the level of success you’re seeking.

Personal Criteria

One of the most important–and most subjective–questions you can ask about your new dental practice is whether it’s what you want. This can take many shapes.

What happens after dental school depends on your personal criteria. It’s important to ask yourself questions about your future such as, what do you see yourself doing 5 or 10 years down the road or if you have any philosophies or beliefs about dental care that you want to implement?

Consider your personal feelings carefully so that both you and your patients can have the greatest benefit from your work.


At ADS Dental Transitions, we’re here to help. Contact a broker today so we can help you figure out what path is right for you.