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    the first steps in selling
    your dental practice
  • 888-979-7925


Transition Resources

If you are interested in buying or selling a dental practice, we have all the resources you will need in order to be efficient and successful. With the tools we provide, managing the transition of your dental business can be a positive, straight-forward experience.


ADS Loan Calculator

If you are planning to acquire a dental practice, our loan calculator can help you determine the financial responsibility the acquisition will present. The monthly cost of both the practice and the real estate can be calculated with the handy tools we provide. Simply input the price, down payment, length of the term and interest rate, and a monthly estimate will be provided for you.

ADS Articles

The national network of ADS specialists is a vast resource of valuable information on variety of topics related to valuating and transitioning dental practices. This wealth of information is available to you through our expert articles written by ADS specialists. Our specialists regularly update this site with new articles which provide current, relevant advice that can help to guide you through the process of buying or putting up your dental practice for sale. We’ve learned the tricks of the trade and are sharing our secrets with you! Articles are searchable by keyword and category.


Third-Party Tools

Please note that the following sites are NOT affiliated with ADS. These tools are designed to optimize your experience so you can find success and ease of mind. Considering many different components of the practice and surrounding area will help you to make a more informed decision about the area that will meet your needs.

Restrictive Covenant Tool

Follow these instructions to find the radius around a point on the map with this Radial Area Calculation Tool.

external link

Scroll to “Options” (under the map)
Under “Input Point”, Enter Full Address into #2
Under “Radius Distance”, Enter Number Value into “Miles” Box
Click “Draw Radius”
You may add multiple covenants provided you do not click “Clear Map”

City Profile Reports

This draws on data provided by the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor, the IRS, the FBI and the NOAA (for weather information). It is updated at least annually, and can give you an idea of the demographic of the location you are considering.external link

School Reports

This report can give an idea of the educational system that is in place in a given area. From financial considerations to academic successes, you will be able to assess the caliber of schools that will be near the practice.external link

Salary Calculator

In order to keep the pay of your practice competitive and up to date, this tool enables you to understand the local status quo for similar employment. This concise and informative tool is a must for financial considerations.external link

Home Finder

Many times, the purchase of a dental practice necessitates the relocation of you and your family. This vast resource contains information about homes for sale or being built in the area surrounding your practice.external link

Got Questions?

Whether you are new to transitioning dental practices or you have experience with it already, we can help you to make the process smooth and simple.


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