Public Overview

Ocean County GP - ##2041

Listing Information
Listing ID: ##2041
State: New Jersey
Region: South
City: Ocean County
Practice Type: General
Status Type: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
Transition Type: Sell Practice - Available for Transition
Revenue: Contact for Info
Office Space (Sq. Ft.): Contact for Info
Operatories: Contact for Info
Facility Owned by Seller: No

Ocean County, NJ; Three equipped ops in a rented office approximately 1250 sq/ft in a professional building with a large parking lot. Secured storage space available in basement, and the practice uses Eaglesoft.  This is a great opportunity to take over a stable patient base or add a satellite office to an existing practice.  The practice collections have been $600,000 the last two years.

Broker Contact Info
Kevin P.Cooper, MBA
Kevin P. Cooper, MBA

(856) 234-3536

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