Public Overview

Irvine #5484

Listing Information
Listing ID: #
State: California
Region: Southern
City: Irvine
Practice Type: General
Status Type: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
Transition Type: Sell Practice and Leave
Revenue: Contact for Info
Office Space (Sq. Ft.): Contact for Info
Operatories: Contact for Info
Facility Owned by Seller: No

IRVINE – Well-established practice with 45+ years of goodwill. The 1,538 sq. ft. suite is located in a three-story medical center building equipped with 4 operatories w/ beautiful views. As you can see by the services being performed on page one of the prospectus, we are only doing bread-and-butter dentistry and referring out implant restoration & placement, Endodontics, all extractions, almost all orthodontics, and Oral Surgery. Bringing these services in-house with specialists or the Buyer with the right skill set could immediately capture this income currently being referred out. The retiring seller works 4 days a week and sees approximately 6-8 patients a day and 15 new patients a month. There are 2 hygienists with 3 days of hygiene with 6-8 patients seen a day. Income source is 75% Cash, 22% PPO & 3% Capitation. The practice is in a great location and only minutes away from the 405 & 5 freeway! Practice grossed approximately $540K for 2023. Contact your CPS Broker for more details. Property ID #5484.

Broker Contact Info
John W.Knipf (Pronounced Neff)
John W. Knipf (Pronounced Neff)

(714) 639-2775

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