Public Overview

San Clemente #5464

Listing Information
Listing ID: #
State: California
Region: Southern
City: San Clemente
Practice Type: Orthodontic
Status Type: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
Transition Type: Sell Practice and Leave
Revenue: Contact for Info
Office Space (Sq. Ft.): Contact for Info
Operatories: Contact for Info
Facility Owned by Seller: No

SAN CLEMENTE – Well-established Ortho practice with 15+ years of goodwill. The seller works 2 days a week and sees an average of 25-30 patients a day and about two starts a month. Approximately 58 Phase 1 patients and 88 Phase 2 patients. 90% straight-wire 10% Invisalign office. 1,977 sq. ft. suite is located in a two-story eight-tenant medical building that is equipped with one operatory and 4 chairs in an open bay, with 1 plumbed space! The income source is 70% Cash and 30% Ins. Computerized with Ortho2 Viewpoint software. Patient referrals, Magazines, Google/Yelp & GP referrals. Practice grossed $429K for 2022. Please contact your CPS Broker for more details. Property ID #5464.

Broker Contact Info
John W.Knipf (Pronounced Neff)
John W. Knipf (Pronounced Neff)

(714) 639-2775

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