Public Overview

Moreno Valley #5430

Listing Information
Listing ID: #
State: California
Region: Southern
City: Moreno Valley
Practice Type: General
Status Type: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
Transition Type: Sell Practice and Leave
Revenue: Contact for Info
Office Space (Sq. Ft.): Contact for Info
Operatories: Contact for Info
Facility Owned by Seller: No

Well-established practice with 38+ years of goodwill. The 1,200 sq. ft. suite is located in a one-story shopping center and is equipped with 3 operations and 1 plumbed not equipped. The current doctor works 2 1/2 days a week and sees an average of 8-10 patients a day and 38-40 new patients a month. Has reasonable rent for the area. In a busy shopping center with lots of traffic flow. Easy street visibility and great signage. The seller has another practice in Rowland Heights that he would like to put more focus on. Doves very minimal advertising mainly patient referrals and online searches on Google or Yelp. Grossed approximately $451K for 2022. Buyer's Net of $183K. Please contact your CPS Broker for more details. Property ID #5430.

Broker Contact Info
John W.Knipf (Pronounced Neff)
John W. Knipf (Pronounced Neff)

(714) 639-2775

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