Public Overview

A practice that emphasizes personalized relationships, conservative treatment - #BN-1558 San Leandro

Listing Information
Listing ID: #BN-1558 San Leandro
State: California
Region: Bay Area: East Bay
City: San Leandro, CA
Practice Type: General
Status Type: For Sale
Opportunity Type: Practice for Sale
Transition Type: Sell Practice and Leave
Revenue: Contact for Info
Office Space (Sq. Ft.): Contact for Info
Operatories: Contact for Info
Facility Owned by Seller: No

This long-established practice is well-respected for its focus on personalized relationships and emphasis on conservative restorative treatment for overall long-term dental health.   Doctor averages 8 patients w/ 8 Hygiene patients per day offering 2 days of Hygiene per week and welcomes approximately 5 new patients per month.   Office is conveniently located in an attractive, well-maintained, single-story, free-standing building in mixed commercial neighborhood.  Office occupies approximately 1,000 square feet and consists of 3 fully equipped OPs, Reception area, Doctor’s office, Sterilization, Lab, Storage, and Restroom.

Broker Contact Info
Timothy G. Giroux DDS
Timothy G. Giroux DDS

(800) 641-4179

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