Make the most of the buying or selling of a practice with the expertise of a transition consultant.
A Message from ADS Dental Transitions
A practice is an investment of time, effort, money and emotion. It truly is a labor of love. That’s why for many, the idea of selling a practice is an emotional event. Our consultants have years of proven success in guiding dental practice transitions. We have the understanding, experience and empathy to answer your questions and put any and all concerns you may have to rest. If you’re ready to start the conversation or just learn more about transitioning in general, contact us today.
Should You Buy a Practice Today?
Surviving the Pandemic:
Does Your Practice Have a Pulse?
Surviving the Pandemic: Does Your Practice Have a Pulse?
3 Types of Post-Pandemic Practices
What did the pandemic do to your practice? Can you recover from the crisis? Earl M. Douglas, DDS, MBA, BVAL, explains how practices fall into three categories when it comes to post-pandemic survivability.
Meet the Author
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Time: 3PM EST | 2PM CST | 12PM PST
Author: Earl M. Douglas, DDS, MBA, BVAL, Owner ADS South
Earl M. Douglas, DDS, MBA, BVAL, Owner ADS South
Dear Steve, Brad, Tom and Debbie, thank you so much for your help in transitioning from private dental practice to retirement. I appreciate your approach to the sales process from the beginning - inventory lists, checklist for selling process, value determination and navigating the closing. Your pleasantries and assurances through the process were a great help and I’m thankful that we were able to “get this right.”
Dr. Michael Meilink, DDS – Kansas City, MO
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